The Weekly Ringer

The University of Mary Washington Student Newspaper

Top 5 Worst Things About Winter

2 min read


Phil the groundhog saw his shadow on Feb. 2 in Punxsutawney, Penn.  Unfortunately for us, this means six more weeks of the most ridiculous winter in recent memory. Thanks, Phil.

1. No Snow:
In every other location in the world besides Virginia, cold weather has almost always inevitably produced snow. What happened? Maybe Al Gore was on to something?  Maybe global warming is only happening in Virginia?  In any case, you can look forward to having all of your classes the rest of the semester.

2. More Clothes:
The Need to wear more clothes.  In order to prevent freezing when walking outside in this winter weather, one must layer up. Adding more layers to your wardrobe each day means more laundry.  With warm weather all you need to wear are shorts, t-shirt and sandals.
However, during the winter season you need to wear pants, possibly a t-shirt and long sleeve shirt or sweatshirt, a jacket, maybe a scarf and gloves, socks and some type of closed-toe shoe.  The winter season is an inconvenience in comparison to the other seasons.

3. Random warm days that trick us:
Every now and again, especially this past week, the weather throws us a curve ball.  There will be days where the temperature is in the mid to high 60s, but then the next day it will be below freezing with whipping winds.  How is anyone supposed to be able to adjust to this type of crazy weather?

4. The smell of Seaco sticks to your clothes:
For some unknown reason the smell of Seacobeck is more prominent during winter season.  The jacket that is worn during that meal is later taken back to your room, it then makes your entire room smell of Seaco.  You never notice the smell once you are in there, but as soon as you leave the smell travels with you.

5. The salt and sand they lie around campus gets all over your clothes:
Whenever there is mention of snow, you can be sure to find brown sand and salt placed all around campus.  The distribution of the sand and salt is for our safety.

While we rarely see snow, the sand and salt travels with us throughout the day.  Whether it’s on your shoes or pants, you can be sure that one way or another one of the two is making it back to your room with you.