The Weekly Ringer

The University of Mary Washington Student Newspaper

Campus Briefing 3/1

2 min read

Jim Groom Named ‘Tech Innovator’ by Chronicle: Jim Groom, director of the Division of Teaching and Learning Technologies, was named one of 12 “tech innovators who are transforming campuses” by the Chronicle of Higher Education. The article looks into Groom’s involvement with UMW’s digital-storytelling course, DS106.


Great Lives Lectures Now Available on iTunes: The Chappell Great Lives lecture series is now available on the iPad, iPhone or iPod touch through the free “iTunes U” app, according to a UMW press release. iTunes U allows courses and classroom materials from colleges and universities throughout the world available to anyone with the app.

Charles J. Shields’ lecture on Kurt Vonnegut became the first one available for download on Friday, Feb. 24. Lectures from 2012 will be released every Friday.


Melchers Home Installs Interpretive Signs: Ten interpretive signs have been placed at key areas along the 1.5 miles of public trails at Gari Melchers Home and Studio at Belmont.

According to a UMW press release, the interpretive signs include descriptions and photographs describing main trail locations, including a 19th century ice pond and the ruins of an electric pump station. Other markers discuss the Melchers’ farming practices, the early canal along the Rappahannock River, and a gravesite for family members.

Corinne Melchers left the Belmont deed to the Commonwealth of Virginia in her will. In the will, she expressed desire for the property to become a public park for local residents.


UMW Philharmonic to Perform ‘March Mix’ Concert: The UMW Philharmonic Orchestra will perform a March Musical Mix concert on Saturday, March 17. The orchestra will play classical works from Europe and America, including Tchaikovsky’s “1812 Overture,” Beethoven’s “Symphony No. 7,” and the evolving versions of the “The Star Spangled Banner,” according to a UMW press release.

Vocalist Daryl Ott will accompany the UMW Philharmonic Orchestra, which is made up of approximately 90 members from the student body and Fredericksburg community.

The concert will be held at 7:30 p.m. in George Washington Hall’s Dodd Auditorium.


UMW AAUP Chapter Takes Par in Occupy Education: On Thursday, March 1 the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) will hold a day of action to support higher education.

According to an online faculty newsletter, the UMW AAUP chapter will distribute fliers that highlight the “Seven Principles of the Campaign for Higher Education.” The fliers will also discuss the issues involving state funding for public higher education.

The UMW AAUP will also sponsor a teach-in related to these issues at 5 p.m. in Trinkle 106A.



Emerson Releases New Poetry Collection: According to an online faculty newsletter, Claudia Emerson, the Arrington Distinguished Chair in Poetry, released a new collection of poetry entitled “Secure the Shadow.”

The book is published by Louisiana State University Press, is her fourth book to date and is available now.


Compiled by Jonathan Polson