The Grammys wasn’t all is was cracked up to be(yoncé)
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The Grammys this year, despite what the sponsored articles may tell you, was a complete mess. From awkward comedy bits, to multiple flubbed performances, to Beyoncé getting snubbed once again, the 2017 Grammy awards proved to be a disappointment compared to its predecessors. After losing so many revered artists over the past year, it was a disappointment we really didn’t need right now.
Most, if not all negative press for the Grammys is being censored right now in addition to the mass takedown of clips and footage that isn’t network-owned. So if you missed the live coverage because you were at work or something, then tough break. What little you will get to see is going to come from either paid media sponsors praising everything that happened or cell phone footage of someone’s living room TV. Although, rather hilariously, the first results you will find on YouTube for Grammys footage are Illuminati conspiracy videos.
To start with, the James Corden intro was that special kind of unfunny that makes you cringe and hope it ends soon. The beloved Broadway actor and late night host did not bring the same energy he brought to last year’s Tony Awards that he hosted. The running joke throughout the bit was a string of scripted technical errors that continued to frustrate him. Toppling down the stairs, losing a shoe, the stage not rising all the way and dancers missing their marks made up an incredibly awkward segment that would have been funnier if not for the actual errors that occurred throughout the night, unscripted.
For example, the Metallica performance with Lady Gaga, or according to Laverne Cox, the Lady Gaga performance. In addition to the hostess forgetting to introduce Metallica, James Hetfield’s microphone was unplugged. Whether this treatment was accidental or intentional is up to the Illuminati conspiracy theorists to decide, but it certainly was not a fun time for Metallica on that stage. What could have been a pretty cool performance seemed to fizzle out in disappointment, which fit the mood of the night pretty well.
Then there was, of course, the Adele cover of “Fastlove” by George Michael. The cover itself wasn’t terrible. It doesn’t really fit George Michael’s style, but it was still a decent tribute. Adele messing up, cursing, then asking for a do-over was pretty silly however. It was a noble attempt, in her own way, to try and do the tribute justice by wanting to get it right. Not everyone can be Beyoncé and play off mistakes as intentional without anyone being the wiser.
Speaking of Beyoncé, she did not win album of the year, again. It is somewhat of a running gag now, like Leo getting his Oscar. The difference being, that Leo did eventually get his Oscar, and that Lemonade topped the Billboard top 200 chart. Even Adele, who did win album of the year, thought it was odd that Beyoncé was snubbed yet again. So much so that she snapped the award in half and offered to share it with her.
It isn’t as though the night was a total loss. There were plenty of performances that went off without a hitch, such as Katy Perry’s performance with Skip Marley that ended with an image of the constitution and was met with a standing ovation, as well as the Bruno Mars tribute to Prince that went off smooth.
In addition, plenty of artists who deserve credit actually got what they deserved. Chance the Rapper took home three Grammys, the first artist to take home any without ever having sold his music. Then, of course, there was Beyoncé’s captivating pregnant performance that has all the Illuminati conspiracy theorists frothing at the mouth over Beyhive’s glorious golden goddess.
However, the high points of the night were quickly overshadowed by the low points, mistakes and pandering nonsense that seemed to cheapen the experience overall. There’s always hope that next year will be better, and maybe Beyoncé can collect enough broken off Grammy pieces to build the award she actually deserves.