Staff Ed: Happy April Fool’s Day!
1 min read
The Weekly Ringer Editorial Board discusses the intention behind their April Fool's edition.
Happy April Fool’s Day, Mary Wash! As per usual, our April Fool’s edition is filled with a mix of real news written by our staff writers and silly articles written by our editors, all titled under a new name: The Weekly Wronger.
This tradition has been a staple of the school paper, and we look forward to it every year.
As students, we endure a lot together, and this issue is a way for us to get a good laugh about some of our shared struggles, like Banner crashing during registration and construction all over campus. We hope that our articles—ranging from lighthearted to cynical—resonate with you as the semester nears its end.
As with all comedy—snark and sarcasm alike—these funny stories are meant to be taken with a grain of salt, not to offend or be derogatory towards anyone. Our comedic stories are ways to make commentaries about the issues that irk us here at UMW, but they all are set in the wonderful foundation of love we have for this school.
So, as we leave you to enjoy our journalistic prank, take this opportunity to find the comedic parts of your own life, especially in the ridiculous happenings that occur here at UMW.
This staff editorial was led by Norah Walsh and Jess Kirby.