The Weekly Ringer

The University of Mary Washington Student Newspaper

Simpson Library’s Young Adult Section Provides an Expansion of Literature on Campus

1 min read
Bookshelves holding the new young section at simpson Library

informing the Student Body of the Simpson Library's recent expansion among their book selection and the genres they now hold. | Courtesy of Terra Dickinson


Contributing Writer

Looking for something to read that’s not your textbook for class? Come check out Simpson’s new and improved Young Adult section located on the first floor behind the stairwell, between the microfiche and periodicals. Look for books with a yellow sticker on the spine that says YOUNG ADULT.

Over the summer break, what was originally the Juvenile and Young Adult section were split and became the Juvenile section and the Young Adult section. Now it’s easier than ever for anyone to differentiate between the two reading levels! Please stop by to look at the novels and comic books in this section. Education majors may also find the juvenile books and games useful for assignments and practicum. P.S. Please check out our popular reading section near access services. Be sure to come by at least once a semester to check out what we offer, as they are not a part of our permanent collection. If they do circulate well, we move them to our permanent collection to keep forever, but if not, we send them back!