Police Beat 2/24-3/14
2 min readBy ALISON THOET
A light fixture shade was stolen from the third floor of Eagle Landing at 3:18 a.m. on Feb. 24. The case is pending.
Cash amounting to $300 was stolen from the third floor of Westmoreland Hall between 4:08 and 4:30 on Feb. 24. The case is pending.
A student reported a UMW parking decal missing from their car on Double Drive at 2 p.m. on Feb. 28. The case is pending.
An iPhone was stolen in a grand larceny from Dodd Auditorium in George Washington Hall between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. on March 3. The property was recovered and an arrest was made.
A phone was stolen as a grand larceny from Eagle Landing at 3 p.m. on March 13. The case is pending.
A window was broken on the fourth floor of Eagle Landing at 7:10 a.m. on Feb. 24. The case is pending.
A keycard reader on the Eagle Village parking deck was damaged between midnight on Feb. 6 and 7:28 a.m. on Feb. 26. The case is pending.
A window was broken in the Eagle Landing courtyard at 3:11 a.m. on Feb. 27. The case is pending.
A vehicle was vandalized on the 1200 block of Rowe St. at 2:30 p.m. on Feb. 22. The case was handed over to Fredericksburg Police.
A thermostat was vandalized in a stairwell on the first floor of Eagle Landing. The case is pending.
Liquor Law Violations
Two students received administrative referrals for public intoxication in Eagle Landing at 12:31 a.m. on March 17. One of the students was transported to the hospital.
Three court summons were issued to a UMW student by Virginia ABC Officers between parking lots five and six at the Jepson Science Center between 10:48 p.m. and 10:58 p.m. on March 16.
A student, 21, was arrested for public intoxication on March 18.