The Weekly Ringer

The University of Mary Washington Student Newspaper

Voting is more important for youth than anyone else

2 min read
We have heard it before; voting is not only our right, but it is also our responsibility as citizens of the United States of America. With the government shutting down this past week there continues to be a lot of talk about the congressmen who caused that to happen. What seems to be left out of all these conversations is the fact that we voted those people into their positions. We live in a country where we have the responsibility to decide who is running our country.


We have heard it before; voting is not only our right, but it is also our responsibility as citizens of the United States of America. With the government shutting down this past week there continues to be a lot of talk about the congressmen who caused that to happen. What seems to be left out of all these conversations is the fact that we voted those people into their positions. We live in a country where we have the responsibility to decide who is running our country.votingjpg

Voting is a word tossed around constantly this time of year, with elections coming up in a few months, but how does voting actually matter? Many people are beginning to ask this question in light of recent events.

Shane Bliss, a writer from The Globe, said, “The only way your vote truly does not matter is if you stay at home on Election Day. Not voting is not some kind of noble statement that will make a huge impact. Inaction does not breed change. Whether you’re satisfied with how the local and national government is at the moment or not, voicing your opinion through voting is important”

Bliss believes, as do many others, that it is one’s duty to vote; so go out and do it. If a qualified and able-bodied citizen does not vote then they have no right to go around sharing their opinion when they disagree with what is going on in the government. In order to reserve the right to voice an opinion, one must practice their duty of voicing their opinion on election days.

If sharing one’s opinion is not enough of a reason to vote, consider a few of these other reasons. The youth of the country who cannot vote is depending on us to represent their voices too. Those who are too young to voice their opinion need us to talk for them.

Additionally, voting does effect change; it may take time, but electing officials who support your opinion is the first step in changing the current state of things.

Voting gives a person credibility. Often times, we voice our concerns to and about elected officials, but if we are not voting, our concerns may not matter at all to them. Voting can actually give someone the credibility to make their concerns a top priority for legislators.

As 16th, president, Abraham Lincoln once said democracies are “governments of, for and by the people.” This statement does not stand true if the people are not exercising their right to vote. If only a select few rush to the voting booths each year, then the government is not for all the people, it is for the select people.voteshoes

Before getting on Facebook, Twitter or any other type of social media network to complain about what the government is doing, remember who put those people into those government positions.