The Weekly Ringer

The University of Mary Washington Student Newspaper

Top Five Little Known Holidays

3 min read

by Landon James

In the wake of Valentine’s Day, there are only a couple big holidays coming up that you may not have known about had it not been for dedicated Bullet researchers.

Of course, there is St. Patrick’s Day and Easter, but perhaps a few lesser known celebrations slipped past you.  Spring is full of national observances, so in order to keep you all well informed of the festivities, here are the top five holidays coming up you did not know existed.

1. National Chicken Lady Day (Feb 28)

National Chicken Lady day comes around every year on Feb. 28, but never gets the attention it deserves.  Perhaps it’s because we don’t give our local chicken ladies the credit they deserve.  So, next time you’re going through a lunch line and chicken is plopped on your plate, thank the chicken lady for all her help.  After all, it is National Chicken Lady Day it’s the least you can do.

2. National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day (March 7)

In case you recently had a craving for some chocolate and almonds, March is the month for you!  Thankfully, every March 7th is National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day, so go out and grab an Almond Joy from the gas station and join in a national appreciation of chocolate and almonds.  If we can’t come together as a country on certain issues, hopefully we can agree on chocolate and almonds for one day out of the year.

3. Married to a Scorpio Support Day (March 18)

If you’ve been one of those poor souls who has been married to a Scorpio, the rest of the world is finally here to feel your pain. On March 18, contact friends or family you know who are in a relationship with a Scorpio and check up on them.  See how they’re feeling, ask if there’s anything you can do for them, and just let them know you’re there for emotional support.  We all got problems, but a Scorpio ain’t  one.

4. Sink Day (April 5)

Sink Day comes just after Easter, when the leftovers have really build up. Most people usually forget to celebrate, however, this year you’ll be informed.  Sink Day is when you eat all of your Easter leftovers over the sink.  Makes sense right? Not only does it feel good to eat in a sink and not use plates, clean up is twice as fast!  Plus, roast lamb always look better with a side of trash disposal.  This year keep the Easter spirit alive for one more day and make this year’s Sink Day the best one ever!

5. World Toilet Day (April 19)

It’s about time we showed some appreciation for one of the hardest working family members who always takes crap from everyone. On this day, take a moment to ponder how much you appreciate your toilet.  Maybe ask one how its day went, or even offer to take it out for a night on the town.  I’ve been told they even like a good scrub down every once in awhile. So take time and remind your favorite porcelain how much you appreciate its hard work.

Now that you’re informed, go and make this your best spring yet, keeping in mind that there’s a reason to celebrate almost everyday.