UMW issues statement regarding vulgar hate note posted on campus
2 min read
Ahad Shahid | Twitter
Below is a message from Vice President for Student Affairs, Juliette Landphair, on the recent news of the hate-speech posted on Campus Walk, recently sent to the UMW community. Click here for the original story.
Dear UMW Community Members:
Late on the evening of February 4, 2017, a University of Mary Washington undergraduate found a note posted outside Lee Hall with a handwritten swastika and a note: “Attention Faggots!! We could live next door.” The student posted the note on the University Facebook site on Sunday February 5.
Upon learning about the note, the UMW police launched an investigation, which involved the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The UMW Police also informed and consulted with the Fredericksburg Police Department, which has been investigating similar incidents of hate crime in the local community.
In addition, on February 6, Dean of Student Life Cedric Rucker and UMW Police First Sergeant Brad Sullivan met with the student who discovered the note. The UMW threat assessment team also met to discuss this posting, as well as other challenges to the University’s values of civility and inclusion. Working collaboratively to educate the University community on behavioral expectations, and holding those accountable who violate them, University officials will continue to strongly advance steps to stem the tide of such offensive acts.
Any person who has information about the note, or about any other hate crimes or speech, should call the UMW Police at 540-654-1025. Students or community members may also send anonymous tips through Rave Guardian or the Silent Witness program. Bias incidents may always be reported at
Please contact me at with any questions or comments. We welcome input as we seek to make our University as safe, welcoming, and inclusive as possible. We will update the community as our efforts take form and as any new information emerges.
Juliette Landphair, Ph.D.
Vice President for Student Affairs
University of Mary Washington
I only know one homophobic nazi at this school, but he’s much more subtle than this.
Can you clarify what you mean by the police investigation “involving” the FBI?